Brian Kanof Photography

Complete Photography Services | (915) 276-1998



Commercial Photography


Industrial Photography


Architecture Photography


Aerial Photography


Entertainment Photography


Sports Photography


Wildlife Photography


Fine Art Photography



Commercial Photography

"When it comes to commercial photography in El Paso, business owners want quality images that showcase their products and services. Commercial photography serves to promote a product or service through capturing its vivid colors, fine details and descriptive quality. It can include photos of people, places or things, and used for the purpose of selling, advertising and promoting."

Commercial photography is a powerful form of multimedia. You've probably been exposed to certain formats of commercial photography before, as it can be seen in billboards, brochures, magazines, catalogs, packaging and shopper ads.

Photos taken for commercialism are generally used in the retail industry for promotional reasons. Commercial photo shoots are devoted solely to the product itself being featured in the picture. Examples of commercial photography can include, but not limited to:

The intention of commercial photography is not to take a picture of a person or event for the purpose of cherishing a feeling or memory, instead, it's an attempt to simply capture the state of an image displayed in a static mode, or a stationary setting that simply displays the placement of a product or service. There's little or no emphasis on sparking a feeling of fascination or desire in the eyes of the viewer, however, there might be an attempt to get the viewer to actually "do" something, such as "buy now" or "click here." It all really depends on how the image is worked into a particular marketing strategy that attempts to promote a product or service.

Advertising Photography

Hard work is what El Paso business owners demonstrate in order to achieve their success, and integrity is a core value they use to serve their customer base. El Paso business owners want advertising photography services that help them to convey that message. Many businesses in El Paso represent service-driven operations such as food, fashion and trades, however, instead of simply taking a picture to represent an object, advertising photography attempts to use that object to capture a moment in time, an action, or a message.

Advertising photographers have more room to interpret how a product or service should fit into a particular lifestyle or concept, and can be photographed accordingly. Advertising photographers should also have a good sense of how to market a business with knowledge of sales trends and banner advertising.

When an organization or institution needs commercial/advertising photography services, they rely on Brian Kanof Photography...

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Brian Kanof is a disabled veteran and a member of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). As a career photojournalist, he has accepted a wide array of assignments and requests throughout the years.

Brian is also a member of the Professional Aerial Photographers Association - International (PAPA).


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