Brian Kanof Photography

Complete Photography Services | (915) 276-1998



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Aerial Photography


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Sports Photography


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Sports Photography

"I've been offering the very best in sports photography since 1967. My range of services extends to the greater El Paso area and beyond. If you're in need of images for and individual athlete, team shot, or a sports event, I will be at your location to capture some amazing images that will create memories for a lifetime and last forever."

Sports photography involves capturing an event where an exciting event or action is taking place. An image that depicts an action event will bring your eyes right up close, making you feel like you're almost part of the action.

It's not just the action..

Just shooting the action scene doesn't necessarily give the complete picture. Sometimes the biggest drama comes just after the action is over. There's the immediate celebration after a touchdown, the surge of energy from the players on the sidelines, and the emotional reaction from the coaches and trainers. Action aftermath involves emotions of victory and failure from the faces of participants who were the winners and losers, and also the fans.

Timing is an aspect that must be considered, as a professional sports photographer must have sharp intuitive responses that enable him to press the shutter button at just the right moment.

The right moment in time..

Taking a picture at just the right moment is not always accomplished with a high-speed camera, it's sometimes achieved from being in the right place at the right time. A skilled photographer knows that in order to convert motion into a perfect still-shot that everything must be perfect at the very moment the action takes place. And when the time is right, some incredible things can happen.

Brian Kanof Sports Photography

If you're someone with a specific project requiring a unique location and time, then you'll need the help of a photographer who knows how to access any geographic location to position himself in the right spot, and at the right moment. You'll need a responsible photographer who is aware that your project requirements are unique and time-sensitive. In the right moment, and using the right equipment, a once in a lifetime shot will turn into a cherished memory.

"It's amazing what can happen at the right moment in time!"

See photo galleries (sports) »

Brian Kanof is a disabled veteran and a member of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). As a career photojournalist, he has accepted a wide array of assignments and requests throughout the years.

Brian is also a member of the Professional Aerial Photographers Association - International (PAPA).


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